Saturday, December 23, 2006

Doping Saga continues-III

read first:Doping Saga continues II
As discussed earlier that ICC are WADA are not happy with the decision of PCB for overturning the ban on shoaib and Mohd. Asif after the dope test being found positive,so after a lot of discussion and gossip,WADA has finally knocked the door of International court of Justics for sports and they have submitted their appeal against PCB's decision.
If u are wondering about the stand of ICC here,so let me clear what ICC said,
"Our Lawyers have studied that case very carefully,and we agree that we cant interfere in the matter legally anyhow.But still,we back WADA and will provide our full support if needed"
WADA thinks very oppsite to ICC.WADA official announced that they have the right to interfere in any doping case happened anywhere in the world and they have the right to appeal against PCB.
The hearing of the appeal is expected to be after the christamas holidays.

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